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Full Version: Lost Broadcast 12
The Vault Toronto Rave Forum > Audio Archive > Toronto Radio > Vault Server
Im pretty sure this is from an old Deadly Headly show back in 1993. I used to make tapes where i would cut out all the commercials and other crap using the tape decks. This sounds like fragments from Deadly Headly's shows, especially the Cheech and Chong samples 30 minutes in. Maybe 2 or 3 different recordings in one. He used to play alot of these tunes. Ranging from House, Trance, Club, and some old hardcore.

AUDIO {46min - 11mb - 32kbps}
Some dangerous tunes on this one.
this is great

fond memories of staying up late when i was a kid lisiting to chris shep and deadly headly on the edge
oh what fu shnakins!!!!
this is how i started getting into the music aswell. late nights in newmarket recording things off the radio.. WHEEEEL!! deadley headly
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