Apr 19 2004, 06:54 PM
Dose/Syrous - May 15. 1999
Really nice flyer.This was at one of the CNE buildings I think. For some odd reason the companies did not name this event so it is known as the RUN DMC rave. There were so many people at this. Jumping Jack Frost was there. I can't remember who he replaced. Bryan Gee I guess. Optical was wicked, too bad they never put that set out. Sticker up shortly.
Apr 19 2004, 06:56 PM
Apr 19 2004, 06:58 PM
inside part one:
Apr 19 2004, 06:59 PM
inside part two:
Apr 19 2004, 07:01 PM
inside part three:
May 5 2004, 01:52 PM
May 6 2004, 10:15 PM
this was Toronto DnB at its peak.
it would never come near this again.
I recall this same night, Alanis Morissete ( a juno award winner) had a concert at the Molson Ampetheatre, drawing about 4 thousand people, while this event broke records with 15,000+
started making alot of people think, and it was all downhill from there.
Eddie Machete
May 7 2004, 05:59 PM
15000!!! no shit
im glad the v crew came through proper
cause run dmc was a waste of a walk to the other room
personally think they didnt enjoy being there a bit
i went to this party out the blue
havent stepped in the jungle arena since
May 7 2004, 08:12 PM's weird, it seems everyone slags RUNDMC but after they got past that silly extra-long set up I thought they were great...
May 11 2004, 01:21 PM
wack event rundmc who cares
it did have a nice outdoor chill area
v runs proper
May 18 2004, 04:50 AM
Really nice flyer.This was at one of the CNE buildings I think. For some odd reason the companies did not name this event so it is known as the RUN DMC event. There were so many people at this. Jumping Jack Frost was there. I can't remember who he replaced. Bryan Gee I guess. |
I kind of vaguely remember this event being at either the Congress Centre or the International Centre (one of those convention halls outside the city) but then again I vaguely remember all the parties I went during that period. I think Jumping Jack Frost was replacing Ed Rush. I remember it was at this party I came up with the idea that ed rush and optical are actually the same person, as this was the second time they were both booked for a party in toronto and the second time only one of them showed up. I think the Es helped with that idea though
Eddie Machete
May 18 2004, 05:01 PM
bryan gee was in effect
ed rush did'nt make it
only party i had been to in years before this was syrous 5 year
this one totally turned me off the scene
May 18 2004, 10:17 PM
...yeah I think it was at one of The International Centre halls that was not used too much...Optical was also a no show for the Renegades event at Industry...
...I dunno, I thought this was a fantastic event...just the sheer size of the party was breathtaking...I do/did have various quibbles but there were just so many people...
jungle kid
Aug 18 2004, 09:59 PM
some one should host the adio for this I would but I don't no how or I dont have the soft were to do it . What do I need to put tapes on the net ?
Aug 19 2004, 01:46 AM
A Walkman and Soundforge would be a good start. It's what I use. Some of the sound quality freaks on here probably will mention other programs.
jungle kid
Aug 19 2004, 12:42 PM
Now do I have to bye soundforge softwaer @ a stor or do I downlode it from the net ?
Aug 19 2004, 10:21 PM
Soulseek or Kazaa should have it. Ask around, I'm sure one of your friends will have at least a demo copy kicking about.
Oct 6 2004, 02:24 AM
I went to this party with my buddy Norman Stefani. Norman Stefani died April 2004 of Hodgkins Disease. Seeing this flyer reminded me alot of him. This was one of the last memories I have of him, since after high school we did not chill that much. Times come and go, and things change; cherish every moment you have on this earth and all the people close to you because the world is shifty. Rest in Peace Norman.
Oct 8 2004, 05:46 AM
QUOTE (Pmoro @ Oct 5 2004, 09:24 PM) |
Rest in Peace Norman. |
Nice fucking guy...always a good laugh and a great buzz....RIP
Feb 12 2005, 12:00 PM
Run DMC were shit!!! Me and 10 of my friends made a packed that it would be our last "rave" and we never looked back. Untill now............this is a trip!
Feb 20 2005, 07:51 AM
as far as I can remember, this was in the two huge tents. As far as I remember then, this party spelled the end of the true rave scene - it just got too big and the vibe just wasn't there anymore. It seemed that the parties just turned into a cash cow back then. The early BetterDaysUk & Pleasure Force parties were some of my best memories !!!!!
Apr 18 2005, 12:54 AM
QUOTE (Shane25 @ Feb 20 2005, 07:51 AM) |
Guys, as far as I can remember, this was in the two huge tents. As far as I remember then, this party spelled the end of the true rave scene - it just got too big and the vibe just wasn't there anymore. It seemed that the parties just turned into a cash cow back then. The early BetterDaysUk & Pleasure Force parties were some of my best memories !!!!! |
shane, you have your parties mixed up man.. The one you are thinking about is Syrous Freakin' /w EPMD @ the docks.. They setup two massive tents in the parking lot.. It was a particularly nasty party as one of our speakers fell on some dude.. I think it broke his leg, I'm not sure, I was too busy making sure nobody got electrocuted while trying to move the speaker off the poor fellow...
The RUN DMC party was at international centre Halls 9 through 11 i think..
Jul 7 2005, 06:28 AM
This Party Killed it for me boys and girls. My first party after getting back into the contrey.
It was at the international center. We went to the place with not one red cent and just a bunch of candy. we wer not going to pay the enterence fee so we ripped open the side door and just walked in (4 of us) the metia blamed the break in on the bloods and crips but it was 4 methed up kids from brampton.
The party was good xcept I ended up in the hospital cus the drugs I took wer crooked. that party ended my honey moon for good.
Mar 23 2006, 07:37 PM
Hey did anyone check out Paul Johnson's or Halo's sets?
I would have liked to hear them in T.O.
Jan 23 2007, 12:50 AM
QUOTE(erbsmokah @ Apr 17 2005, 07:54 PM)

shane, you have your parties mixed up man.. The one you are thinking about is Syrous Freakin' /w EPMD @ the docks.. They setup two massive tents in the parking lot.. It was a particularly nasty party as one of our speakers fell on some dude.. I think it broke his leg, I'm not sure, I was too busy making sure nobody got electrocuted while trying to move the speaker off the poor fellow...
i was trying to figure out what party that was all day. it was actually on the driving range of the docks. the event wasn't originally supposed to be there and was a last minute (i mean like around one week) change. i was working at the main club at the time but was helping robbie and vito with some things. that huge mirror ball on the crane was a nice touch. what was a better touch was heading into the VIP bar area (the golf building) and turning to my right and found CHUCK D!! right beside me. ya, flavour flav was there but over at the food table working the chicken wings!
sadly, this event will go down as possibly the beginning of the end for these kind of events. the feedback from this party was a bad way. there were so many complaints from the public. people as far as victoria park could hear the music. the city moved swiftly and essentially crippled smaller event promoters due to new regulations such as large number of paid duties being required.
Jan 24 2009, 02:25 AM
I didn't have a problem with the parties getting larger, but I think the addition of hip-hop acts and rooms to parties wasn't a good move for the scene. It just brought in a whole new crowd or element - a negative element - to parties, ie tough guys, wannabes, thugs et al.
Personally I really enjoyed the RUN DMC party. I actually tried to check out RUN DMC, but I'd be walking for ten minutes at a time in the hip-hop or main room, stand up on my tippy-toes and look up, and the stage would be what looked like miles away. I did this for about forty-five minutes, and eventually gave up and went back to the jungle room. I remember really enjoying Bryan G, he dropped some sick tunes. The size of the crowd/event made me think at the time that this is what UK parties must be like.
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