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The Vault Toronto Rave Forum > Syrous Archive > 2nd Generation
TITLE: Syrous - "Hyperactive"
LOCATION: Can't remember the name of the facility, but it was very cool
DATE: Saturday, September 4, 1999


Hype, Pascal, GQ, Fats, Daft Punk, Sneak, Josh Wink, Ann Savage, Terry Mullan, Peter & Tyrone

MEMORIES: I can't remember what the name of the venue was, but it was insane. The flyer was that typical ridiculous post-98 generic flyer (cheesy as hell, especially the inside), but hey, the line-up, the venue and the overall vibe was what mattered. The venue was apparently brand new, never used for a party before, and I had never been in it. Not only was it huge (especially the jungle room), but it was very dark and industrial inside, almost as if we were in some worn down old warehouse. The great aspect about the size of the actual rooms was that there was space to manoeuvre and breathe. I had so much fun walking around and exploring. I loved it (and still do for smaller events nowadays) when venues for parties and events were held outside of the club district, and even the CNE. The chill-out area was outside, and we spent a lot of time out there getting air, hanging out, and well, burning. Hype was hype, as usual. A lot of scratching and tight mixing. I also remember Lush in particular tore it up, spot on as usual. I don't remember Daft Punk very well, but it seemed that the headliners were spinning the entire night in the other rooms whenever we ventured in there. A fantastic night all around. Great tunes, great DJs, great people. One of the best jungle rooms for a large event ever. It was funny seeing Fats behind the DJ booth, hanging out with two dudes who looked like a cross between 'roided-up weight lifters and porn stars lol, who must have been straight out of the house room that night. We stayed really late. Nothing beats walking out in the early hours of the morning and seeing the sun rising. What was lame though was seeing a bunch of cops standing around (ahhh, another aspect of the colossal mainstream party). Afterwards we all went down to the CNE to chill out at the park with the basketball nets and benches, to relax, sunbath, and well, shoot some hoops. Those were the days.


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awesome. thanks for adding this. nice!
Tyrone Biggums
Does anyone have audio for this one? This was one of the last big ones I attended and had the tapes for the longest time. Wore them right out. Hype killed it that night. I think this party was at the International Centre. I could be wrong though.
Thanks for tackling this massive flyer!

My scanner could not handle it!
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